Aug 17, 2011 Since the new Windows Phone Marketplace for ‘Windows Phone Mango’ is nearly ready for submission of your apps, developers will be happy to know that today we are releasing the Silverlight for Windows Phone Toolkit (August 2011) add-on. This is a great new release of extra controls and should let. Nov 11, 2011  Silverlight toolkit for Windows Phone is a opensource framework which provides additional controls for the developing Windows Phone Applictaion apart from the standard Windows Phone controls. These controls are available for download including the sourcecode which is Microsoft Public Licensed and can be downloaded. Oct 11, 2019  The Microsoft® Silverlight® 5 SDK contains online documentation, online samples, libraries and tools for developing Silverlight 5 applications. Usage of the SDK is subject to the SDK License (included in the package).

This repository was migrated from CodePlex to the MicrosoftArchive organization where it is not actively maintained. If a community were interested in adopting or taking forward key XAML-related components, that would be awesome.

Straight from Microsoft, the Silverlight Toolkit provides the developer community with new components, functionality, and an efficient way to help shape product development. Toolkit releases include open source code, samples & docs, plus design-time support for the Silverlight browser plugin.

Silverlight 5 Toolkit

** This was the final release of the Silverlight Toolkit in December 2011 **

This is the 9th, newest, and final release of the toolkit targeting the Silverlight 5. New to this release are some controls targeting Silverlight 5's new 3D features. For more information on these 3D extensions, please check out David Catuhe's blog entry on the topic.

If you have previously installed the Silverlight 5 September 2011 toolkit, please make sure to uninstall before installing the December 2011 toolkit.

Note: You must install XNA Studio in order to use the new Silverlight 3D templates. Otherwise the new templates will not show up.

Components in the Silverlight 5 Toolkit

The Silverlight Toolkit defines four Quality Bands that describe the stability and finish-level of each component. Below is a summary of where the components currently in the Silverlight Toolkit fall within the quality bands.

Components in the Mature/SDK Quality Band

  • AutoCompleteBox
  • Calendar
  • ChildWindow
  • DataGrid
  • DataPager
  • DatePicker
  • GridSplitter
  • HeaderedItemsControl
  • TabControl
  • TreeView

Components in the Stable Quality Band

  • DockPanel
  • Expander
  • HeaderedContentControl
  • Label
  • NumericUpDown
  • Viewbox
  • WrapPanel

Components in the Preview Quality Band

  • Accordion
  • Charting
  • ContextMenu
  • DataForm
  • DomainUpDown
  • ImplicitStyleManager
  • LayoutTransformer-Rating-TimePicker-TimeUpDown
  • 11 Themes

Components in the Experimental Quality Band

Install Silverlight For Windows 10

  • GlobalCalendar
  • TransitioningContentControl
  • TreeMap
  • Drag and Drop support for items controls-BusyIndicator

Infrastructure and Development Tools in the Experimental Quality Band

  • Visual Studio unit test project and item templates
  • Silverlight Unit Test Framework and Visual Studio unit test metadata for Silverlight
  • Silverlight test automation for automating unit test runs in the web browser
  • DefaultStyleTask for large control library development

Open source

The Silverlight Toolkit was created in a previous era where contributions and Microsoft's Contribution License Agreement story were not yet formalized.

  1. We cannot include any source code that you send us through the CodePlex project (through comments, patches, or items in the Issue Tracker). However, we do welcome all feedback.
  2. Please review the Quality Bands for information on the support and quality level of the toolkit components.
  3. Feel free to use the source in your apps, controls, and products - have fun!

Blogs & Tweets

Silverlight Download For Windows 10

Historical blog posts available from developers, designers and geeks: David Anson, Dave Relyea, Jeff Wilcox, Shawn Oster, Tim Heuer, Jason R. Shaver

Silverlight For Windows Phone Toolkit Download Windows


Windows Phone 10

I’d like to share a couple of resources related to migrating WP Silverlight apps to Universal Windows Apps. Initial preview of Silverlight bridge to UWP – Get Windows Bridge for Silverlight Migrating from SL app to 8.1 XAML on Windows Dev Center API Mappings Porting an App from Windows 8.1 XAML or…